What to Do When You Just Feel a Little “Gross”

Hey Ya’ll! Jen here. Ever have a day where you are just feeling kind of… gross? Not physically sick or anything, just icky. I do. Today is one of those days. But you can get out of that funk! Here are some things I do when I’m feeling a little “gross.”

  1. Think about what I’ve eaten (or haven’t eaten). What have I eaten today or last night that might have made me feel this way? Have I eaten enough veggies? Protein? Too many sweets or carbs? If I can answer these questions, I know where the problem likely started, and I know how to fix it moving forward! 
  2. With questions about my diet out of the way (and hopefully a serving or two of veggies down the hatch), I do a mental body scan. Am I feeling not like myself because I am experiencing a mild headache or cramps? Do I have brain fog? Did I get enough sleep last night? Whatever it is, usually, it’s something that I can “fix.” If not, I know it will pass!
  3. I workout. This is the thing that helps me the most, no matter why I feel “gross.” Not only does it make me feel less bad about any questionable choices I may have made, but it gets all of those good endorphins flowing! I’ve worked out to get rid of brain fog, to stop a headache from staring at a computer screen, to alleviate cramps from food digestion (or menstrual cramps; some people don’t want to talk about it, but working out helps a LOT with those), regain some energy from general fatigue, relieve anxiety, and the list goes on! The outcome is ALWAYS beneficial, although sometimes to varying degrees. Either way, if I’m able, this is the first thing I actually do for myself when I feel this way!
  4. Drink some water! Ok, this sounds stupid, but sometimes I forget that I need to drink water all day, not just in the morning or at the gym. 
  5. Once I am home for the day, I make a nutritious meal. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but I give myself extra points if it is. Salmon salad is one of my go-to’s, and it’s easy! Air fry some salmon marinated in a little soy sauce, some wasabi, garlic, a little sesame oil, and some spices, and throw it on top of some spring greens with a little olive oil, lemon, and pepper for the dressing, and you’ve got yourself a dinner that will make you feel amazing!
  6. Time for some relaxing self-care! Do a facemask, give yourself a facial massage, and take a long shower with some body scrub and your favorite hair care products. If I had a bathtub, trust me, I would use that instead! Anything that reminds you that your body does a lot for you, so you should treat yourself sometimes! 
  7. Make a note to dedicate the rest of the evening to relaxing. Relaxing is hard for me (I’m a go, go, go person who sometimes feels bad for not being productive). But if I decide that is what I’m doing, and force myself to do it, it always helps. Get cozy on the couch with your favorite book or movie, and know that you deserve to sometimes do nothing at all!
  8. Journal. Write down a few things you are grateful for or a few things that you enjoyed doing recently. 
  9. Reach out to someone and say something kind to someone you love. Remind someone else that they are amazing and you are grateful for having them in your life! 
  10. Go to bed on time. This might be the hardest one for me because I am really good at rationalizing going to bed past my bedtime. I tend to want to do laundry or clean something or anything productive instead of allowing myself to go to bed early. But it’s always worth it to get a good night’s sleep! 

You don’t have to do all of these, or any, really, if you don’t want to. But choosing a few and then following through might be what you need to get out of that “feeling gross” funk!

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