
It’s no secret that a functional fitness routine will improve your everyday life, which is why at Fit, we stress the improvements that exercise has on daily movement and mobility! But did you know you can “hack” your daily movements to integrate functional fitness exercises into your daily life? It’s a win-win! Here are some of our favorite ways to hack our lives to improve our functional fitness!  Try a balance challenge! When you’re brushing your teeth, waiting in line, warming up your dinner, or basically any time where you are standing still for a few minutes, try standing on one leg for a few moments and then alternate! You don’t have to balance for long! This small addition to your day strengthens your stabilizer muscles and improves your coordination over time, enhancing your ability to do gym AND daily movements! Incorporate proper lifting form into everyday tasks! Picking up...
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We keep hearing that sitting too much can shorten your lifespan, but is sitting all day really that bad for you? With so many of us stuck at desk jobs, it’s an important question to answer. Unfortunately, sitting for prolonged periods of time does have negative effects on your body. The good news is, you can do something about it!  Sitting for a bit won’t hurt you. The problem arises when you frequently sit for long periods of time without getting up to move. Studies have shown that the least health risks associated with sitting at a desk all day are attributed to getting up and moving every half hour- even if you just stand up and walk around your office. Why is getting up and moving frequently so important? Well, besides the back problems that come from sitting (which is often what people notice first), there are a host...
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Have you made a New Year’s resolution? The beginning of the year is a great time to reflect- on what we have achieved, what we want to achieve, and how we will achieve it. All too often, we make goals and abandon them, usually before January is even over. Here are some tips for making SMART goals and sticking to them in 2025! Remember SMART Goals SMART is an acronym for: Specific: Be clear about what you want to achieve. Measurable: Track your progress with concrete numbers or milestones. Achievable: Set challenging but realistic goals, given your current situation. Relevant: Ensure the goal aligns with your values and long-term objectives. Time-bound: Create a realistic deadline to hold yourself accountable. Here are some tips to make SMART goals in the New Year: Start with a Clear Vision Why do the goals you make matter to you? The first step to set...
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Oh, good old cold and flu season. Feeling under the weather is never fun. And on top of not feeling well because you’re sick, you may feel a little guilty because you aren’t hitting the gym either. You may be tempted to go ahead and get a workout in even when you aren’t feeling well. It turns out it’s okay sometimes (and can be beneficial)! Other times, however, it can slow your body’s ability to fight off illness. How can you tell?  When you have a mild cold (with symptoms limited to above your neck; see below for when to rest) and you’re feeling up to it, light to moderate exercise (no intense workouts, please!) might actually be beneficial. Here’s why: It improves your circulation, which can give your immune system a little boost. Temporary symptom relief! That increases circulation from light to moderate exercise when you’re a little sick,...
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Almost everyone loves a good cup of coffee in the morning. Four out of five adults consume caffeine daily. But caffeine isn’t just used to wake you up and start your day. Plenty of athletes (and your average Joe) swear by pre-workout supplements that contain a lot of caffeine. But what does caffeine even do to your body? Is it actually enhancing your performance, or can it do more harm than good? The answer isn’t as simple as you might think. Caffeine is a stimulant. It works by blocking the chemical adenosine, which is responsible for making you feel tired. When consumed in moderate amounts, caffeine intake can make you feel more alert, energetic, and focused. It can improve memory temporarily when consumed before a task that requires recall and concentration. The effects of caffeine peak in about an hour after consumption and last for about 4-6 hours, waning as...
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