
Stretching is an essential part of any fitness plan. I’m sure you’ve heard that you should stretch before a workout and probably heard the contradiction- it’s better to stretch after a workout. We are here to end this argument, but first, why stretch at all? Stretching is good for flexibility, obviously. Increased flexibility helps your muscles and joints go through a full range of motion without pain. It’s easier to reach that top shelf or bend to pick something off the ground, for example. Stretching is also relaxing. It can help build a better mind-body connection, and it makes us take a moment to focus on controlled movements. It can reduce pain as well, especially if that pain is related to decreased range of motion during daily activities. It can also help improve athletic performance and help prevent injury. But the type of stretching you do determines when to do...
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What does it take to hold a plank for 4 hours, 30 minutes, and 11 seconds? DonnaJean Wilde, grandmother to 12 and new world record holder for longest plank performed by a woman, knows EXACTLY what it takes. At 58 years old, she beat the previous record holder, Dana Glowacka, who held her plank for 4 hours, 19 min., and 56 seconds (which is also super impressive, we see you, Dana!) on April 9th, 2024.  Wilde’s planking journey didn’t start how you might expect. Twelve years ago, she broke her wrist and was forced to wear a cast. Instead of letting that halt her fitness journey, she began to try exercises she could do with her cast on, and forearm planks were one of them. She told People magazine that she realized she could read while he was performing a plank, and she just fell in love with them. So,...
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Doctors recommend 7-9 hours of sleep each night for adults and 7-8 hours for older adults. Sleep is important for your physical and mental health; without proper sleep, your mind and body begin to suffer. Sleep is a regenerative period for your body, essential to any fitness journey. Here are a few reasons why sleep is so important: Your body repairs muscle tissue while you sleep. This is probably the most obvious reason that sleep is an important part of any exercise routine. During deep sleep, your body releases hormones that repair damage in your body. While these growth hormones are obviously responsible for repairing injury, they are also responsible for repairing the damage to your muscles when you exercise. Because muscle growth depends on your muscles breaking down slightly and then the subsequent repair of that muscle tissue if you want to make gains in the gym, a good...
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Is half of your diet made of pre-digested foods? And yes, you read that right. Think of it like this- you are a baby bird, and your mother is graciously regurgitating food for you to eat. Doesn’t sound appealing, does it? Well, that’s what ultra-processed food is, and as you might imagine, it’s not good for your body. When companies manufacture ultra-processed foods, they break down ingredients on a molecular level called “slurries” and then add emulsifiers that act like glue to bond that slurry with other added ingredients like food dye, sugar, and flavorings. Then, they can be shaped into whatever food manufacturers would like, and then they make it taste delicious.  Your digestive system usually breaks down food for you, but since this “food” has already been broken down into its most basic parts, it doesn’t move through the digestive system as nature intended. You don’t get full...
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Oh boy, we are already in the third month of the year. And, no, we can’t believe it’s March already, either! By now, most people who set New Year’s resolutions have long forgotten about them. In fact, about 80% of people stop trying to reach their goals before the end of January. Your gut reaction might be to shame yourself or feel guilty for not “trying hard enough,” but honestly, that’s a useless feeling. Instead, let’s focus on the power of self-love and positive self-talk and how that ties into making smarter goals! According to Psychology Today, many people have a running inner dialogue throughout the day. Generally, it combines conscious thoughts and unconscious beliefs and biases. For some people, it’s naturally positive. For others, it’s naturally self-critical and pessimistic. Negative self-talk results in lower confidence, rumination, and can limit personal growth. Unfortunately, human nature tends to lean us towards...
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