
Did You Know?
You might be hearing the phrase “VO2 max” being thrown around a lot lately. You might even have a watch or fitness app that measures and records your VO2 max for you. But do you know what it really is and what it means for your overall fitness levels? Let’s take a look! Maximal oxygen...
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What are the strongest skeletal muscles in the human body? Well if you guessed the jaw muscles, you are correct!  While there may be some debate on this, it is widely believed that the masseter is the strongest in the human body, at least by weight. This is because of the type of effort they...
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Have you ever thought of the implications of telling someone “don’t move a muscle”? It might be a little darker than you had intended… You might think that you have control over all of the muscles in your body, but even when you are sitting still, your muscles are always moving. Try this- hold your...
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Everyone sweats. It’s our body’s way of cooling off- our pores release fluid, and when that fluid evaporates, it cools us off. (Don’t be embarrassed because you sweat, your body is just doing its thing to keep you alive, and some people sweat more than others, and that’s ok too!)  Whether you sweat because of...
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We’ve all heard that “laughter is the best medicine”. Many of us may roll our eyes and say “well, that’s just an old wive’s tale”, but it turns out, that’s not entirely the case! Laughter has many benefits, both mental and physical, that make it SO worth it to take some time out of your...
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Ladies, have you ever wondered why you might have a harder time building muscle than your male counterparts? It can be discouraging to see accelerated progress in others when we don’t feel it in ourselves, but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t doing a great job! Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on yourself,...
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Happy St. Patrick’s Day! The word “luck” gets thrown around a lot on this holiday, and it does appear that some people are more lucky than others. There is no doubt that lucky things do happen to us sometimes, but the people who appear the most lucky? From the outside they might appear to just...
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Here at FIT, we believe that knowledge is power, and we would like to share the information we have learned about something that most people struggle with at some point in their lives- weight management. First, let’s talk about what doesn’t work: fad diets and magic supplements. We are constantly bombarded with advertisements for products...
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