
What does it take to hold a plank for 4 hours, 30 minutes, and 11 seconds? DonnaJean Wilde, grandmother to 12 and new world record holder for longest plank performed by a woman, knows EXACTLY what it takes. At 58 years old, she beat the previous record holder, Dana Glowacka, who held her plank for...
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Doctors recommend 7-9 hours of sleep each night for adults and 7-8 hours for older adults. Sleep is important for your physical and mental health; without proper sleep, your mind and body begin to suffer. Sleep is a regenerative period for your body, essential to any fitness journey. Here are a few reasons why sleep...
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You’ve found your motivation to start your fitness journey, so the next logical step is to set some goals! What is the best way to set goals, how do you make sure they are realistic enough to maintain, and how do you plan to meet them? Clear, personalized, and continually adjusted goals were important throughout...
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Last week, we discussed self-monitoring and how it relates to weight management. An important question remains- what motivates you to self-monitor? What are the best motivators? Let’s talk about the most significant motivators and the ones that are most likely to keep us motivated!  An important theme found by the International Journal of Qualitative Studies...
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Mobility issues are a concern for many people as they age. In fact, about 30% of people over 70 years old have problems standing up, walking, and using stairs. The risk of injury from performing daily tasks increases also. This leads to higher rates of nursing home admissions, falls, and chronic disease. The biggest culprit...
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Inactivity in children has become an epidemic. Children and teens in the United States are becoming more and more sedentary. Only 25% of kids today get enough physical activity. This comes with many possible physical problems that can follow them for the rest of their lives. Obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure can all be...
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No doubt about it, dancing is a fun way to shake up your workout routine! It’s a great way to add cardio; it allows you to use your whole body if you want to, and it can be done alone, with friends, or with your partner. But does dance affect your mental well-being, too?  Of...
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So often, we are in a rush while we work out. We fit exercise in the morning before work, at lunch break, or after work, before our house-related obligations begin. For many of us, it’s the only way we have time to work out, and that’s usually ok! However, taking a little more time every...
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Do you feel the urge to skip your next rest day? Sometimes it’s hard to take intentional rest days, we get it. Once you get in the groove, it’s easy to fool yourself into thinking that you need to go, go, go all of the time. However, not taking time to let your body and...
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Is there any limit to the benefits of exercise? Most of us know that it increases heart health, lung health, helps relieve symptoms of stress and depression, and makes daily activities easier (all while boosting your mood), among other things. But did you know that exercise increases your immune system as well? First, let’s start...
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