
Physical Health Benefits of Exercise
More of the trail.
My sister, me, and my mom. In the canyon! Every year on the 1st of July (or at least as close as we can get to the 1st), I (hello again, it’s Jen C. here!), my two sisters, and my mom, Jan Held (who you all know and love), take a trip to a State...
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There are two types of inflammation. Acute inflammation is your body’s response to infection, injury (such as a strained ankle), illness, or a response to things that don’t belong in your body (think of a bug bite or a splinter) and is usually painful, swollen, hot, and red. Acute inflammation happens suddenly and is temporary....
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What do they have in common? What the heck does it have to do with exercise? Well, we know exercise helps us learn and improves our ability to recall information, but did you know it helps us with a different kind of memory, too? This year’s study by the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Nutrition,...
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Me and my mom at Starved Rock State Park. We go every year, along with my two sisters, to honor Daniel, who passed away. Our family loves hiking! Hello everyone! My name is Jen Connelly. Many may not know this, but I write and create content for Fit St. Charles’ Facebook and Instagram, and I...
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Stretching is an essential part of any fitness plan. I’m sure you’ve heard that you should stretch before a workout and probably heard the contradiction- it’s better to stretch after a workout. We are here to end this argument, but first, why stretch at all? Stretching is good for flexibility, obviously. Increased flexibility helps your...
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Doctors recommend 7-9 hours of sleep each night for adults and 7-8 hours for older adults. Sleep is important for your physical and mental health; without proper sleep, your mind and body begin to suffer. Sleep is a regenerative period for your body, essential to any fitness journey. Here are a few reasons why sleep...
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Have you ever wondered which is better- free weights or machines? While both have their benefits, there are some major differences between the two. Both have benefits, and obviously, if you don’t have access to free weights, machines are just fine, and it’s not a question of what’s “right” or “wrong”. However, we tend to...
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Imagine this all too common scenario: you wake up, you’re tired, you aren’t motivated, and you know you have a long day at the office ahead of you. So maybe you think, “There is no point in working out this morning. There’s no way it would be a good workout.” Objectively, you know that’s not...
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Mobility issues are a concern for many people as they age. In fact, about 30% of people over 70 years old have problems standing up, walking, and using stairs. The risk of injury from performing daily tasks increases also. This leads to higher rates of nursing home admissions, falls, and chronic disease. The biggest culprit...
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Inactivity in children has become an epidemic. Children and teens in the United States are becoming more and more sedentary. Only 25% of kids today get enough physical activity. This comes with many possible physical problems that can follow them for the rest of their lives. Obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure can all be...
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