It’s no secret that a functional fitness routine will improve your everyday life, which is why at Fit, we stress the improvements that exercise has on daily movement and mobility! But did you know you can “hack” your daily movements to integrate functional fitness exercises into your daily life? It’s a win-win! Here are some...Read More
We keep hearing that sitting too much can shorten your lifespan, but is sitting all day really that bad for you? With so many of us stuck at desk jobs, it’s an important question to answer. Unfortunately, sitting for prolonged periods of time does have negative effects on your body. The good news is, you...Read More
Almost everyone loves a good cup of coffee in the morning. Four out of five adults consume caffeine daily. But caffeine isn’t just used to wake you up and start your day. Plenty of athletes (and your average Joe) swear by pre-workout supplements that contain a lot of caffeine. But what does caffeine even do...Read More
We love resistance band training! There is so much you can do with resistance bands (many of which we do here at Fit!). Even if you usually use free weights (which, obviously, we love those too, and working out with free weights has a host of benefits on its own), you’ll find that resistance band...Read More
Although there is still a lot of emerging research on the benefits of whole-body vibration plates, scientists and neurologists alike have found that using vibration plates may benefit the human body and brain in surprising ways! What is a vibration plate? It’s a machine that you stand or sit on with a vibrating platform. As...Read More
Jim Thorpe playing college football. Member of both the Pro Football Hall of Fame and College Football Hall of Fame, baseball all-star, the first president of the NFL, 2x Olympic gold medalist, the most versatile modern-day athlete, a man with a town named after him, professional actor, and Akapamata (“caregiver”). Jim Thorpe was an amazing...Read More
It’s officially summer, and it’s officially hot! Summer is a great time to get out into nature and get moving, but be mindful of the heat and its effects on the body. It’s important to prevent exhaustion, heat stroke, and dehydration. Here are some tips to keep you safe (and active) in the heat, according...Read More
If you’ve ever taken a break from weightlifting, you may have noticed that you don’t feel as good as you did when working out. The first thought you might have is, “I must be losing muscle mass. It’s been DAYS since I’ve hit the gym.” While you lose muscle mass after you stop working out,...Read More
“You can’t pour from an empty cup.” It’s a mantra mental health professionals use to remind you to take care of yourself. Practicing self-care is essential to maintaining balance in your life- mental and physical. “Filling up your cup” can mean many different things to many people, but the important takeaway is that you can’t...Read More
There are two types of inflammation. Acute inflammation is your body’s response to infection, injury (such as a strained ankle), illness, or a response to things that don’t belong in your body (think of a bug bite or a splinter) and is usually painful, swollen, hot, and red. Acute inflammation happens suddenly and is temporary....Read More