There are two types of inflammation. Acute inflammation is your body’s response to infection, injury (such as a strained ankle), illness, or a response to things that don’t belong in your body (think of a bug bite or a splinter) and is usually painful, swollen, hot, and red. Acute inflammation happens suddenly and is temporary....Read More
Doctors recommend 7-9 hours of sleep each night for adults and 7-8 hours for older adults. Sleep is important for your physical and mental health; without proper sleep, your mind and body begin to suffer. Sleep is a regenerative period for your body, essential to any fitness journey. Here are a few reasons why sleep...Read More
Is half of your diet made of pre-digested foods? And yes, you read that right. Think of it like this- you are a baby bird, and your mother is graciously regurgitating food for you to eat. Doesn’t sound appealing, does it? Well, that’s what ultra-processed food is, and as you might imagine, it’s not good...Read More
Our gut microbiomes are pretty amazing. More and more research is being done to pinpoint exactly how these tiny organisms affect our health. In the past decade or so, we have learned a lot about our gut bacteria, and it’s pretty amazing. Probiotics, our gut bacteria, have 250 to 800 times more genes than we...Read More
Have you ever woken up the day after consuming way more sugar and simple carbs than normal feeling like you’re hungover? You’re not alone- sugar hangovers are a thing, and they aren’t pleasant. Upset stomach, foggy-ness, fatigue, headache, dehydration, elevated anxiety, and even muscle cramps (likely due to inflammation) are all side effects of consuming...Read More
Holidays can be stressful, but there ARE things you can do to care for yourself. Taking care of your wellness needs will help you feel better, give you more energy and help you to take care of others.Read More
Nutritionally speaking…. Nutrition is a cornerstone to good health. Good health, athletic ability and a healthy weight are all dependent on your body receiving the nutrients it needs to maintain all normal body functions AND to support the increased energy needed too support fitness activities. If your diet regularly supplies the nutrients necessary to sustain...Read More
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