
So often, we are in a rush while we work out. We fit exercise in the morning before work, at lunch break, or after work, before our house-related obligations begin. For many of us, it’s the only way we have time to work out, and that’s usually ok! However, taking a little more time every...
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Everyone should have a self-care routine. Creating a self-care plan and sticking to it helps reduce (or eliminate) anxiety and depression, minimizes frustration and anger, helps us concentrate, and makes it easier to love our entire self. It also allows us to recharge and be more present. In short, it makes us happier and sets...
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Sleep can be an uphill battle for some of us. If it’s difficult for you to fall asleep, I’m sure you’ve already heard that it’s essential to create a bedtime routine, limit screen time, and stop drinking caffeine hours before bedtime. There is another tool you can add to your sleep kit: exercise! Here’s why...
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Do you feel the urge to skip your next rest day? Sometimes it’s hard to take intentional rest days, we get it. Once you get in the groove, it’s easy to fool yourself into thinking that you need to go, go, go all of the time. However, not taking time to let your body and...
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Have you ever woken up the day after consuming way more sugar and simple carbs than normal feeling like you’re hungover? You’re not alone- sugar hangovers are a thing, and they aren’t pleasant. Upset stomach, foggy-ness, fatigue, headache, dehydration, elevated anxiety, and even muscle cramps (likely due to inflammation) are all side effects of consuming...
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You’ve decided to begin a wellness journey. Part of that journey is probably cutting down on the amount of sugar you are consuming. If you don’t want to give up the sugary drinks or sweets, you turn to no-calorie sweeteners. After all, they have been around since the 60’s, companies tell you they are safe,...
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Is there any limit to the benefits of exercise? Most of us know that it increases heart health, lung health, helps relieve symptoms of stress and depression, and makes daily activities easier (all while boosting your mood), among other things. But did you know that exercise increases your immune system as well? First, let’s start...
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You might not think much about how your shoes are impacting the condition of your feet unless you’ve experienced problems with your feet. Obviously it’s pretty well known that shoes such as high heels aren’t good for your foot health long term, but have you ever thought about your tennis shoes? Here’s my opinion of...
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Today we will be talking about the last fundamental movement, gait! Gait is best described as (basically) the technique of walking. While this movement seems obvious, it does involve multiple muscle groups. The quadriceps, hamstrings, calf muscles, the hip adductors are the muscles primarily used, and the gluteal and the abdominal muscles also play a...
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Why are couples that workout together more likely to stay together? Like so many things in life, exercise is just more fun when you do it together, plus studies show that working out as a couple increases your happiness in your relationship. (Don’t get us wrong, there is something magical about taking a run by...
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