
Everyone sweats. It’s our body’s way of cooling off- our pores release fluid, and when that fluid evaporates, it cools us off. (Don’t be embarrassed because you sweat, your body is just doing its thing to keep you alive, and some people sweat more than others, and that’s ok too!)  Whether you sweat because of...
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It’s hard to believe that we have covered so much history of fitness culture- we started this series from the dawn of human existence, and look at where we are now! Let’s talk about fitness from 2010- the present day! We’ve learned a lot over the years as fitness enthusiasts. Fitness culture in the present...
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We’ve all heard that “laughter is the best medicine”. Many of us may roll our eyes and say “well, that’s just an old wive’s tale”, but it turns out, that’s not entirely the case! Laughter has many benefits, both mental and physical, that make it SO worth it to take some time out of your...
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It’s hard to believe, but we are already talking about fitness trends in the early 2000’s! Although this might seem like it was yesterday, we hate to break it to you, but this was over 20 years ago! So what were the fitness fads in the early 2000’s? Let’s take a look! In the early...
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Our little fitness history lesson today is brought to you by neon tracksuits, spandex, roller blades, and grunge music- that’s right, we are talking about the 1990’s! Many of us fondly remember the 90’s, and rightfully so. The culture was one of a kind- MTV took over our TVs with new and exciting pop and...
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Ladies, have you ever wondered why you might have a harder time building muscle than your male counterparts? It can be discouraging to see accelerated progress in others when we don’t feel it in ourselves, but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t doing a great job! Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on yourself,...
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I’m sure a  lot of you remember the 1980’s. In an era of big hair and even bigger dreams, the 80’s was also a decade of equally big fitness trends that took over the Baby Boomer generation!  The 80’s saw more fitness trends than perhaps any other decade (and cooler ones, if we are being...
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While we might remember the 70’s solely for its cultural revolutions, there was a lot going on in the fitness world too!  The 1970’s saw great strides forward in the popularity of exercise, especially amongst women! For the first time in the US women were being accepted as athletes, and more women than ever were...
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Did you know that over 58 million US adults live with Arthritis? That’s about 24% of adults in the United States. People are (fortunately) living longer too, which means we will likely see that number increase. Thankfully, the CDC recommends something to help ease symptoms that is beneficial for not only arthritis, but the rest...
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Let’s talk about fitness in the 1960’s! President John F. Kennedy, inaugurated January 20th, 1961, continued what Eisenhower started in the 1950’s, leading the White House and the American people into a different era of fitness in the United States. Kennedy spoke openly about the need for American citizens to improve their fitness levels, quoted...
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