
fundamentals of fitness
Today we will be talking about the last fundamental movement, gait! Gait is best described as (basically) the technique of walking. While this movement seems obvious, it does involve multiple muscle groups. The quadriceps, hamstrings, calf muscles, the hip adductors are the muscles primarily used, and the gluteal and the abdominal muscles also play a...
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Today we are going to talk about rotation! The motion of rotation is unique amongst the fundamental movements- other fundamental movements involve moving forward and backward or side to side, but rotation involves twisting at the core. The obliques are the main muscle group involved in rotation. Activities that use this movement are things like...
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Did you know that there are only seven basic movements that can be performed by the human body, and all other exercises are variations or combinations of the fundamental movements? Those seven movements are: Pull, Push, Squat, Lunge, Hinge, Rotation and Gait.  Today we are going to focus on Lunge! Unlike some of the other...
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Which one of these is your favorite way to squat? The squat is an important part of any fitness routine- read on to find out why! We’ve talked about Pull, Push, and Hinge, so today it’s on to Squat! One of the seven basic movements that the human body can perform (with all other movements...
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We are back with another fundamentals of fitness post! This time we will be focusing in the second movement of the 7 movements, Pull, which when done correctly, helps your body with a lot of daily activities, and is amazing for back pain (cuz we know a lot of ya’ll sit at a desk all...
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Did you know that there are only seven basic movements that can be performed by the human body, and all other exercises are variations or combinations of the fundamental movements? Those seven movements are: Pull, Push, Squat, Lunge, Hinge, Rotation and Gait.  Today we are going to talk about Hinge! A hinge (or hip hinge,...
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