Today, we will discuss another facet of long-term weight loss management- encouraging and discouraging experiences. Last time, we examined people’s challenges and how they can be overcome. After facing several challenges and succeeding, most people note that these challenges were an encouraging experience that made them feel liberated and motivated! In short, these challenges empower...Read More
No matter how experienced you are, no matter how many accomplishments, and no matter how many battles you have won, you will still face challenges. And that is exactly what we will discuss today- challenges related to long-term weight management and how to overcome them! Challenges can be intrinsic or extrinsic, but no matter where...Read More
You’ve found your motivation to start your fitness journey, so the next logical step is to set some goals! What is the best way to set goals, how do you make sure they are realistic enough to maintain, and how do you plan to meet them? Clear, personalized, and continually adjusted goals were important throughout...Read More
Last week, we discussed self-monitoring and how it relates to weight management. An important question remains- what motivates you to self-monitor? What are the best motivators? Let’s talk about the most significant motivators and the ones that are most likely to keep us motivated! An important theme found by the International Journal of Qualitative Studies...Read More
Have you ever considered your level of self-awareness regarding what you eat and how you feel? Have you ever actually practiced self-monitoring? It’s a learnable skill and an essential tool in your tool kit for long-term weight management. In a study conducted by the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health and Well-being, experts identified...Read More
Here at Fit, we believe that knowledge is power, and we would like to share the information we’ve learned about something a lot of time thinking about- weight management. Before we dive into the meat of it, let’s talk about what doesn’t work: fad diets and magic supplements. We are constantly bombarded with advertisements for...Read More
The holidays have a bad reputation for derailing our health and fitness goals. While it is true that it seems all too easy to give in to all the treats and skip workouts, it’s 100% possible to stay on track! Remember, it’s alllll about balance. Do not beat yourself up if you do indulge in...Read More
Have you ever woken up the day after consuming way more sugar and simple carbs than normal feeling like you’re hungover? You’re not alone- sugar hangovers are a thing, and they aren’t pleasant. Upset stomach, foggy-ness, fatigue, headache, dehydration, elevated anxiety, and even muscle cramps (likely due to inflammation) are all side effects of consuming...Read More
You’ve decided to begin a wellness journey. Part of that journey is probably cutting down on the amount of sugar you are consuming. If you don’t want to give up the sugary drinks or sweets, you turn to no-calorie sweeteners. After all, they have been around since the 60’s, companies tell you they are safe,...Read More
Hello again! Today we are going to discuss yet another facet of long-term weight loss management- encouraging and discouraging experiences. Last time we talked about the challenges that participants faced in a variety of studies, but after they faced several challenges and succeeded, most participants noted that these challenges were overall an encouraging experience that...Read More