
healthy lifestyle
Stretching is an essential part of any fitness plan. I’m sure you’ve heard that you should stretch before a workout and probably heard the contradiction- it’s better to stretch after a workout. We are here to end this argument, but first, why stretch at all? Stretching is good for flexibility, obviously. Increased flexibility helps your...
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What does it take to hold a plank for 4 hours, 30 minutes, and 11 seconds? DonnaJean Wilde, grandmother to 12 and new world record holder for longest plank performed by a woman, knows EXACTLY what it takes. At 58 years old, she beat the previous record holder, Dana Glowacka, who held her plank for...
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Doctors recommend 7-9 hours of sleep each night for adults and 7-8 hours for older adults. Sleep is important for your physical and mental health; without proper sleep, your mind and body begin to suffer. Sleep is a regenerative period for your body, essential to any fitness journey. Here are a few reasons why sleep...
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Is half of your diet made of pre-digested foods? And yes, you read that right. Think of it like this- you are a baby bird, and your mother is graciously regurgitating food for you to eat. Doesn’t sound appealing, does it? Well, that’s what ultra-processed food is, and as you might imagine, it’s not good...
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Have you ever wondered which is better- free weights or machines? While both have their benefits, there are some major differences between the two. Both have benefits, and obviously, if you don’t have access to free weights, machines are just fine, and it’s not a question of what’s “right” or “wrong”. However, we tend to...
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Today, we will discuss another facet of long-term weight loss management- encouraging and discouraging experiences. Last time, we examined people’s challenges and how they can be overcome. After facing several challenges and succeeding, most people note that these challenges were an encouraging experience that made them feel liberated and motivated! In short, these challenges empower...
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No matter how experienced you are, no matter how many accomplishments, and no matter how many battles you have won, you will still face challenges. And that is exactly what we will discuss today- challenges related to long-term weight management and how to overcome them! Challenges can be intrinsic or extrinsic, but no matter where...
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Last week, we discussed self-monitoring and how it relates to weight management. An important question remains- what motivates you to self-monitor? What are the best motivators? Let’s talk about the most significant motivators and the ones that are most likely to keep us motivated!  An important theme found by the International Journal of Qualitative Studies...
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Have you ever considered your level of self-awareness regarding what you eat and how you feel? Have you ever actually practiced self-monitoring? It’s a learnable skill and an essential tool in your tool kit for long-term weight management. In a study conducted by the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health and Well-being, experts identified...
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Here at Fit, we believe that knowledge is power, and we would like to share the information we’ve learned about something a lot of time thinking about- weight management. Before we dive into the meat of it, let’s talk about what doesn’t work: fad diets and magic supplements. We are constantly bombarded with advertisements for...
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