Have you ever considered your level of self-awareness regarding what you eat and how you feel? Have you ever actually practiced self-monitoring? It’s a learnable skill and an essential tool in your tool kit for long-term weight management. In a study conducted by the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health and Well-being, experts identified...Read More
Here at Fit, we believe that knowledge is power, and we would like to share the information we’ve learned about something a lot of time thinking about- weight management. Before we dive into the meat of it, let’s talk about what doesn’t work: fad diets and magic supplements. We are constantly bombarded with advertisements for...Read More
Mobility issues are a concern for many people as they age. In fact, about 30% of people over 70 years old have problems standing up, walking, and using stairs. The risk of injury from performing daily tasks increases also. This leads to higher rates of nursing home admissions, falls, and chronic disease. The biggest culprit...Read More
Inactivity in children has become an epidemic. Children and teens in the United States are becoming more and more sedentary. Only 25% of kids today get enough physical activity. This comes with many possible physical problems that can follow them for the rest of their lives. Obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure can all be...Read More
The holidays have a bad reputation for derailing our health and fitness goals. While it is true that it seems all too easy to give in to all the treats and skip workouts, it’s 100% possible to stay on track! Remember, it’s alllll about balance. Do not beat yourself up if you do indulge in...Read More
Our gut microbiomes are pretty amazing. More and more research is being done to pinpoint exactly how these tiny organisms affect our health. In the past decade or so, we have learned a lot about our gut bacteria, and it’s pretty amazing. Probiotics, our gut bacteria, have 250 to 800 times more genes than we...Read More
No doubt about it, dancing is a fun way to shake up your workout routine! It’s a great way to add cardio; it allows you to use your whole body if you want to, and it can be done alone, with friends, or with your partner. But does dance affect your mental well-being, too? Of...Read More
We LOVE Halloween. What we don’t love is all that leftover Halloween candy staring us down every day, begging us to finish it all! Treating yourself is 100% okay every once in a while, but too much of a good thing is bad. This is especially true if your regular diet is low in sugar....Read More
So often, we are in a rush while we work out. We fit exercise in the morning before work, at lunch break, or after work, before our house-related obligations begin. For many of us, it’s the only way we have time to work out, and that’s usually ok! However, taking a little more time every...Read More
Everyone should have a self-care routine. Creating a self-care plan and sticking to it helps reduce (or eliminate) anxiety and depression, minimizes frustration and anger, helps us concentrate, and makes it easier to love our entire self. It also allows us to recharge and be more present. In short, it makes us happier and sets...Read More