
Welcome back to another installment of our series on fitness throughout history! Today we explore the Dark and Middle Ages!
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Exercise is a great way to boost your confidence! Whether you see a difference in how your body looks or not, it doesn’t matter, because a regular workout routine has SO MANY other benefits, and confidence doesn’t have to be (and shouldn’t be) tied to what you see in the mirror! Here are some ways...
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Hello again! Today we are going to discuss yet another facet of long-term weight loss management- encouraging and discouraging experiences. Last time we talked about the challenges that participants faced in a variety of studies, but after they faced several challenges and succeeded, most participants noted that these challenges were overall an encouraging experience that...
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No matter how experienced you are, no matter how many accomplishments you have made, and no matter how many battles you have won, you will still face challenges. And that is exactly what we are going to discuss today- challenges related to long-term weight management and how individuals that were successful overcame them! Challenges can...
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Holidays can be stressful, but there ARE things you can do to care for yourself. Taking care of your wellness needs will help you feel better, give you more energy and help you to take care of others.
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Its hot!  I LOVE the heat, but I also recognize that heat can be dangerous for vigorous activity.  Today the temperature rose to 88 degrees.  It was the first really hot day of the year.  Even though I typically like running in the heat, today’s run was VERY tough!  The first few hot runs of...
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Fitness activities need to be consistent to result in better health and wellness. If you find a particular activity difficult and are not motivated to pursue that activity, find an activity that you want to do.
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