
healthy lifestyle
You might not think much about how your shoes are impacting the condition of your feet unless you’ve experienced problems with your feet. Obviously it’s pretty well known that shoes such as high heels aren’t good for your foot health long term, but have you ever thought about your tennis shoes? Here’s my opinion of...
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Oh summer, we love you, and we hate to see you coming to an end. Although we have to admit, you do make it harder to stick to a fitness routine. So, summer, as we get ready to say goodbye, why do so many of us exercise less during these warm sunny days? There are...
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Which one of these is your favorite way to squat? The squat is an important part of any fitness routine- read on to find out why! We’ve talked about Pull, Push, and Hinge, so today it’s on to Squat! One of the seven basic movements that the human body can perform (with all other movements...
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Today, we will focus on one of the seven fundamental movements (everything else we do are just variations of these), Push!  Pushing is the opposite of what we talked about last week, pulling. This involves pushing an object or weight away from your body or pushing your body away from an object or away from...
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Do you have 30-90 seconds to improve your fitness routine? It might be time for an exercise “snack”.  Most of us look for ways to improve our existing fitness routine, but often we are faced with a situation that we know all too well- we don’t have the time to add additional workouts to our...
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You might be hearing the phrase “VO2 max” being thrown around a lot lately. You might even have a watch or fitness app that measures and records your VO2 max for you. But do you know what it really is and what it means for your overall fitness levels? Let’s take a look! Maximal oxygen...
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It’s hard to believe that we have covered so much history of fitness culture- we started this series from the dawn of human existence, and look at where we are now! Let’s talk about fitness from 2010- the present day! We’ve learned a lot over the years as fitness enthusiasts. Fitness culture in the present...
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We’ve all heard that “laughter is the best medicine”. Many of us may roll our eyes and say “well, that’s just an old wive’s tale”, but it turns out, that’s not entirely the case! Laughter has many benefits, both mental and physical, that make it SO worth it to take some time out of your...
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Ladies, have you ever wondered why you might have a harder time building muscle than your male counterparts? It can be discouraging to see accelerated progress in others when we don’t feel it in ourselves, but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t doing a great job! Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on yourself,...
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Did you know that over 58 million US adults live with Arthritis? That’s about 24% of adults in the United States. People are (fortunately) living longer too, which means we will likely see that number increase. Thankfully, the CDC recommends something to help ease symptoms that is beneficial for not only arthritis, but the rest...
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